Friends Of The Troops is always actively seeking new volunteers to join us in helping to support our service members and Veterans.
We need volunteers to help us monthly with the following:
Adopt a soldier or service member for the duration of his or her deployment by sending them monthly care packages and cards of support
Send care packages to a Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or Coastie serving stateside or overseas
Send monthly cards of appreciation and encouragement to our troops and to Veterans
Participate in local military and Veteran events
Represent Friends Of The Troops in your hometown
All volunteers wishing to join Friends Of The Troops must undergo a simple criminal background check prior to receiving any name or address of any service member. This is to protect the safety of our service members and ensures that their sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands.
Friends Of The Troops is proud to be certifying organization for The President’s Volunteer Service Award. Our volunteers are eligible to receive this prestigious award each year, based on their level of service and volunteer hours.
I’m interested in becoming a volunteer. What are the requirements?
All volunteers are asked to send out a minimum of 2 cards or letters per month to either deployed troops, troops serving in the states or to Veterans. We will provide names and addresses only to volunteers who have completed a background check. There are numerous opportunities available throughout the year - from sending birthday cards to “thank you for your service”/general appreciation cards to our service members and Veterans. Most of our volunteers love sending cards and send much more than the 2 card minimum!
Volunteers who choose to “adopt” or “sponsor” a deployed service member commit to sending out a minimum of one monthly care package and one card per month during that service member’s deployment. We do not require a certain size package or dollar amount spent. We just want to make sure that service member knows that someone back home is thinking of them. Quite often the troops we send packages to do not have much in the way of support from back home, so our packages mean so much!
All volunteers are required to submit a very easy report online at the end of each month that details their monthly activities - it takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
Background checks are required of all volunteers to ensure the safety and security of our troops and their personal information. (Please note: Your credit will NOT be checked and there will be no credit reports pulled of any kind. This is a simple criminal background check.)
Please make sure to provide an email address that you check regularly and where you can be reached. Once you are approved, we will send a Welcome Packet to the email address you provided for the background check. You may then go ahead and start sending cards and/or REquest to adopt a service member!
DO NOT PROCEED WITH THE BACKGROUND CHECK IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 21. (If you are under 21, please call us at 423-599-9901 to find out other ways you can still get involved.)
If you are a representative of a church, scout troop or other social club or group that would like to get involved with us, please do NOT fill out the form below and instead contact us at (423) 599-9901 to discuss a project or partnership. We look forward to hearing from you!
CLICK HERE to start your background check and become a volunteer.
*** When entering your info for your background check, PLEASE make sure to include your apartment or unit # when entering your mailing address, or we won’t be able to send you your volunteer welcome packet after you are processed! ***